Monday, 7 March 2011

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and rearch, planning and evaluation stages?

Programs used for production

This is a picture that I have composed to include all of the software that I have used during making the Trailer, Poster and Film Cover.

The only things that I have not included in this image is a Digital Camera and a Camcorder, this is down to the fact that they are must have piece of equipment that are needed to use during the project.

  1. I have used Garage Band to create the sound track for the trailer, this was done within my group and we used various amounts of instruments that are preset on the software, we then downloaded some premade sound files from,, We then had to get the times correct and make sure that match up with the trailer.
  2. I used the search engine google to help me find information for my blog and also research into films for my essay and for when I analysised the trailers. For this I also used the Internet Movie Database, This then help me to get more ideas on what makes a good horror trailer and also gave a few ideas to me. The use of research is a big part into making the movie trailer as you have to adjust the trailer for the selected target audience and if not done correctly this can destroy a film before even being released.
  3. I have used the social networking site Facebook by posting my trailer on my page, I done this to get audience feedback from the people that I know on the site, I also posted the trailer onto a popular mirco-blog, Twitter on this I gain feed back from people who are following my Twitter.
  4. Photoshop is one of biggest image editing software available, because I had a small amount of knowledge on how to use the program due to my AS Media coursework was done using the program. For this project I created the end inter-title on the trailer, the one that says CHILDMINDER, I have also made my film poster and my magazine front using Photoshop.
  5. The uses of Final Cut Pro for this project has enabled us to create the movie trailer entirely from scratch and allowing us to edit the video and audio files in the way that we wish. When we first used the program it was for gaining access to the video and audio files that we had recorded using a camcorder then capturing the files and storing them. We then used the program to cut our video files down to the correct size and put them into an initial storyboard. Once all this was done we began to add effects the the files and our initial story board then became different, as we added effect to the clips we thought of more appropriate places for the clips to be. Once we were happy with all of the developments that we had done within Final Cut Pro we exported the video on to Garage Band, what we used to create the soundtrack for the trailer.
  6. Blogger has been used as a way of publishing all of the work that has gone into making the horror trailer, this includes: posting research into existing horror trailer, existing film poster and magazine covers and posting research and initial ideas on a horror trailer. An advantage of using a blog over more traditional methods of work e.g. essays, has allowed me to make the work more interesting, has enable the viewer of my blogger want to read more into it, instead of just reading a block of text, it has allowed me to make my blog more interactive with the viewer.
  7. I used the website as a way of finding out useful fonts that could be used during the horror trailer and the film poster and the magazine front cover. Typography is an important part in making an poster or any film cover because it can connote different things within context of the rest of the product.
  8. I have used Flickr as a way of analysing film posters and magazine covers, I have also used it to upload images that I have used on my blog (images that I have made). And YouTube has been used to show my groups trailer over the internet.

1 comment:

  1. Again this is fine as a start James but just needs more detail. Be more specific for example about Final Cut Pro. How did the editing process influence the development of your text? Did it change it dramatically? Also notes that the question asks you to address the evaluation stage of your work. Please explore how working on my blog rather than an essay has been for you. What things can a blog do that an essay can't and vice versa?
